I recently took my computer into a repair shop and when I got it back it had the wrong CPU in it. The repair shop refuses to replace the wrong CPU since I can't prove that a different one was in there when I brought it in. Does Windows keep a record of the hardware used along with dates by any chance?
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The short answer is no, there is no record of what was in there before.
You should have some info from when you purchased the computer. If it was a major manufacturer, you should be able to look it up by model and serial number. If it was a custom build, it should show on the receipt or bill of sale or whatever.
P.S. I read your followup to the post.
Another thought: how do you know it is the wrong CPU? Sometimes the BIOS reports the CPU speed incorrectly. When that happens, most of the diagnostic programs report that same, but wrong, number.
This isn't much of a problem today, but it used to be a real headache. It was usually the result of the FSB being set to the motherboard default, which is the slowest setting.
Since this is an important thing, I'd pull the CPU and actually look at it. Cleaning the media or heat compound off is a pain, but it is important to be sure.
Have you talked to the technical support manager and to the general manager/owner? Hopefully, this is simply an honest error. Perhaps the technician swapped it out to test a theory.
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