Sunday, August 8, 2010

My ipod is damaged! how can I get it repaired?

I think I dropped my ipod one day and then I tryed listening to it but it kept making this annoying clicking sound and the ipod wont let me have access to the computer! I really want my sweet musical pleasure back.

I wouldnt actually say sweet but more likely "hardcore" but how can I get it repaired? like from a company or something.

I got an ipod video by the way.

My ipod is damaged! how can I get it repaired?virus protection

you could of bent or disalligned the arm inside that reads the disk! ipod works very simular like a hard drive "get on youtube and find a video of a hard drive and how it works) you could of disalligned that arm! you may haft to call or contact apple and scedule a repair!

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